

恭喜專精於 #動力積木、電學以及簡易積木ESM的 樂學創客 得到 STEM.org 國際場域認證。透過國際種子老師嚴格的師訓以及通過試教考試,兩位老師Ian以及TinTin得到STEM.org 人物認證,樂學創客也成為可核發STEM.org學生認證的場域。

歡迎想了解學生認證的家長可洽 @enjoylearningte

STEM.org 場域認證是什麼?場域認證有甚麼好處?



Congratulations to Enjoy Learning, specializing in robotics, electronics, and ESM, for obtaining the STEM.org ACCREDITED. Through rigorous teacher training and passing the teaching test, Enjoy Learning has also become a program that can issue STEM.org student endorse. 

Parents who are interested in learning about student certifications can contact Enjoy Learning Education Center.

What is STEM.org program ACCREDITED? What are the benefits of program ACCREDITED?

Obtaining STEM.org program ACCREDITED can deepen teachers' understanding and practical experience in STEAM education, and maximize the differentiation from other competitive schools, increasing parents' sense of professionalism and trust in the school. When teachers in the school obtain the certification, they can explain the difference between the school and other schools that have not obtained field certification to parents, and have physical certificates and announcements on the blockchain.

In response to the current learning process needs, STEM.org has specifically launched STEM Student Endorse, which is applied by teachers who have obtained People Certification and issued by program that have obtained program ACCREDITED .



