

位於松菸的垃圾廚坊,是一間全台首創,以垃圾為材料,DIY進行循環再製體驗,讓全民參與材料再生的工作坊。這麼有趣的主題,當然可以獲得 stemdotorg場域認證囉!

#垃圾廚坊 #Trash Kitchen的創立初衷,希望以好玩的命名,吸引大眾走入廚房發揮創意!以簡單有趣的「垃圾」料理模式,帶領大家了解循環再造,創造實用的升級再造產品並賦予回收材料新的價值,擴大循環再製科技在全球城市的正向影響力,讓「循環經濟」融入大眾的日常。

2005年聯合國提出《Who Cares Wins》報告,其內容說到企業應該將「ESG」涵蓋進企業經營的評量標準中。所謂的「ESG」,是指3個大面向的指標,包含:環境保護(Environment)、社會責任(Social)與公司治理(Governance)。想帶孩子,或者是讓公司同仁,能更深度了解ESG到底是在做什麼嗎?跟STEM又有什麼關係呢?歡迎到松菸一樓,來參觀垃圾廚坊,讓環保的種子裝進孩子的腦袋裏喔!

Do you know that your waste can become someone else's material?

MiniWizTrash Kitchen, located in Songshan, is the first workshop in Taiwan that uses waste as materials for DIY recycling experiences, allowing everyone to participate in material regeneration. This interesting concept has received @stemdotorg domain certification!

MiniWiz Trash Kitchen was created with the aim of attracting people to the kitchen and unleashing their creativity through fun naming. With the simple and interesting "trash" cooking method, it guides people to understand recycling and create upgraded products with recycled materials, giving them new value. The goal is to expand the use of recycling technologies in global cities, creating a positive impact and integrating the concept of a circular economy into people's daily lives.

In 2005, the United Nations introduced the "Who Cares Wins" report, which states that companies should include "environmental protection," "social responsibility," and "corporate governance" as standards for assessing business performance. These concepts are mainly referred to as ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance performance. If you want to deepen children's or colleagues' understanding of ESG and its connection to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), feel free to visit Songshan.



